
Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is cybersecurity awareness month and we are sharing 5 ways to stay cyber safe. We are offering 6 months free forghetti premium access to celebrate cybersecurity awareness month.
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5 ways to stay cyber safe

Four in ten businesses have reported a cybersecurity breach in the last 12 months. The risk of a cyber attack is even higher under COVID-19 as businesses are finding it harder to administer cybersecurity.

With October being cybersecurity awareness month we wanted to share some ways you can stay cyber safe.

  1. Protect your passwords
    We may be biased, but tip number 1 for staying cyber safe is to keep your passwords safe. Using a password manager (forghetti) helps you keep your passwords safe, creates strong passwords and allows you to forget your passwords forever.
  2. Securing remote workers
    With working remotely creating a higher risk for cyber breaches, as a business you should provide your remote workers with a virtual private network (VPN). This acts as an encrypted ‘tunnel’ through unsecured Wi-Fi portals.
  3. Keep your software up to date
    Installing the latest software is important for staying cyber safe. Software updates contain vital security updates to help fight against cyber criminals.
  4. Back up your data
    Backing up your data on a offline device or cloud-based system - if the cyber criminal has hacked one thing, they are likely to get into it all.
  5. Keep your privacy settings on
    Hackers can learn a lot from your browsing history and social media profiles! Use privacy-enhancing settings to make your accounts extra secure, make sure you have enabled these privacy settings and keep them enabled!

To celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness Month we are offering 6-months free access to forghetti premium. To unlock forghetti premium for free, please use the referral code "cyberaware" by clicking the link below - this will take you straight into the app with the referral code already applied for you:

The premium version of forghetti enables teams to share access to passwords without compromising security or weakening the strength of passwords used.

Start being cyber safe today by forgetting your passwords forever with forghetti!

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