We love apps and websites that enhance our online lives. forghetti does just that: removing frustration, increasing cyber security and keeping your memory for memories.
Like you, in order to remember passwords, we had drawers of tatty notes, dog-eared stickies on monitors and notebooks or spreadsheets of 'clever' codes. Rather than just wishing things were different, we decided to fix them.
None of the new ways to 'securely store' passwords felt good enough. Storing them at all didn't feel safe.
Enter forghetti: a way to securely generate and recall passwords with code not storage.
Today we use forghetti for all our login details: with each other at work and with our families and friends at home. Free up your brain too. Forget about passwords.
Seed funding raised to begin work on our little big idea.
First version of the forghetti app released on IOS and Android.
Improvements include IOS and Android autofill.
Additions include version for desktop, browser and a chrome extension.
Shortlisted for KPMG Private Enterprise Tech Innovator in the UK.
Live launch in Hong Kong with mobile service provider CSL.
Biometric recognition, secure partner integration, UX/UI enhancement package including speed optimisation.
Biometric recognition, secure partner integration, UX/UI enhancement package including speed optimisation.
We’re passionate about the creation and security of beautiful tech.
We’re about making something difficult downright easy.
We want to make a real, honest difference to real people, their lives and businesses.
A unique blend of skills and experience
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