Dr. Doodle’s fantastic superpower of envisioning statistics is soon entering December mode. That means he is getting weary of counting passwords and his heart steers towards kindness. So many leaves, so many insects, so many grains of sands and trips around the sun. Yet, so many children in need… and they deserve our 100% unwavering support. Dr. Doodle met with Pudsey and they both decided to use forghetti to do good.
Install forghetti with the code "Pudsey-19" and get 6 months free premium membership.
For each new user with this code, Dr. Doodle will donate £1 to the Children in Need charity.
After you install forghetti you will be asked for a referral code.
Do it now and let's raise a lot of money for Children in Need - A limit of 50,000 users applies.